The Kit, March 2014

7 Beauty Rituals to Get Ready for Toronto Fashion Week

"The only way I can stand wearing my wedged sneakers and stacked-heel hiking boots, is by getting myself a serious pedicure. Glow Medi Spa’s dry pedicure, a treatment created by celebrity podiatrist Margaret Dabbs, keeps feet dry meaning the estheticians can actually see which parts of the feet are, well, dry… and then treat them accordingly."

By Emma Yardley

Wednesday, March 12th, 2014

7 Beauty Rituals to Get Ready for Toronto Fashion Week

Thirty-five shows in five days, Toronto Fashion Week (a.k.a. World MasterCard Fashion Week) isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon… at a sprinter’s pace. As the online editor, I tweet from backstage as the models get prepped and preened, I watch designer shows where I identify trends coming down the runway, and then I run back to The Kit office to get our editorial team’s stories and runway photo galleries up on the site ASAP. Rinse, repeat.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I live for this stuff—it’s the reason I went to journalism school in the first place and what drove me to work my way up from my tiny community newspaper to one of the biggest media companies in the country (#humblebrag). Case and point, the first time I saw a real runway, I cried. No joke. But as much as I love it, the constant adrenaline buzz and too-tight heels do take a toll on one’s physical well-being.

So, to help you (and me) get through a packed fashion-week schedule, I’m sharing my pre-Fashion-Week beauty rituals that not only help me put my freshest face forward (literally) but also calm my mind so I can float through the maddening crowds of stilettos and smokey eyes with Zen-like focus.

An important part of the fashion week prep, getting my body ready to wear all those fun outfits I have planned. (Check back here for the whole Kit Crew’s Fashion Week ensembles.)

4. Glow Medi Spa Dry No-Polish Sports Pedicure ($55, Glow Medi Spa, 129 Yorkville Ave., Toronto)

One of the most entertaining parts of Toronto Fashion Week is spotting all the stylish and salacious (yes, that can be a thing) shoes hot stepping their way around the tents. Not one for being left behind (FOMO is a real feeling in this editor’s life), I pull all my footwear stops and pull out my heeled heroes that stay safely in my closet for most of the year. I love the elongated-leg look heels create but because I have a pair of horribly painful ingrown toenails and matching hammertoes from wearing too-small heels for too long, I can’t really wear them. The only way I can stand wearing my wedged sneakers and stacked-heel hiking boots, is by getting myself a serious pedicure. Glow Medi Spa’s dry pedicure, a treatment created by celebrity podiatrist Margaret Dabbs, keeps feet dry meaning the estheticians can actually see which parts of the feet are, well, dry… and then treat them accordingly.

Click Here to read the full article.
